Thursday, February 18, 2010

12 front

1 comment:

wayne said...

Hello, I am the proud owner of a Suzuki Guitar #12 I bought at a yard sale when I was younger. I was wondering if you might be able to tell me the year that it was made and what the value might be. I was a child when I bought it for $5.00 I am now 49 years old. I still enjoy playing it I truly like the sound. I have other guitars as well but I always come back to the Suzuki and this guitar has made it back to me 4 times. I gave it to a friend about 31 years ago and she gave it back to me about 27 years ago. I had it for awhile and then I gave it to my sister in law and she gave it back decided she didn't want to learn the guitar. Then about 20 years ago I gave it to one of my daughters who thought she wanted to learn to play and didn't so she gave it back. I gave it to my youngest daughter and she has not tried to learn to play so once again I have it and with me it will stay. I guess it is meant to be that we stay together so I have had this guitar for 44 years now I guess. Please any info you might be able to give me I would greatly appreciate. Thank You Wayne Hall everything on it other than the strings is original.